Monday, January 10, 2011

DIY Tattoo Gun

Materials to make this tattoo gun:

- Small motor
- Paddle pop sticks
- Sewing needle
- Wire
- Sewing thread
- Super glue
- Sticky tape
- Small on/of switch
- 2 AA batterys
- Thin wire
- Pen
- Button


1 - construct a frame for the motor out of paddle pop sticks. (use sticky tape and thread to hold everything together)
2 - remove inside of pen. Secure the rest of the pen horizontal to the top of the motor.
3 - drill another hole in button and super glue button onto the motor.
4 - connect motor to on/of switch.
5 - connect on/of switch to batteries.
6 - cut of a piece of thick wire a few cm shorter than pen. Bend the very end of the wire 90• .
7 - secure needle to other end of wire with thread the. Super glue
8 - place needle and wire inside I'd pen. Connect wire ben to button.

All done...
Before use remember to think about hygiene.

Final Construction

1 comment:

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